Getting Organised in the Information Chaos…

Evernote is a great tool which you can use to organise your notes, clip websites and info from websites, and share all this with your colleagues, students and friends.It is especially great for your mobile device, but I use it everywhere and with every PC and Mac as well. All you need to do is download the free application, create an account, which you will be able to access anywhere anytime as long as you have Internet connection and simply get organised.

Read this blog for more information on this free tool. David Andrade writes: I love Evernote. I use it for everything. Lesson plans, lesson schedules, notes, web clippings, lesson resources, travel notes and much more. I think it’s worth a try…

28 thoughts on “Getting Organised in the Information Chaos…

  1. I had Evernote installed on my iPad, but the internet requirement part was a con for me. In the school where I was teaching, there was no internet access, and to access evernote, you need to be online to sign into your account. But great software nevertheless.

  2. I read the hyperlinked blog about Evernote and it certainly seems an interesting tool to store and share documents and such like. At the moment I am using a pen drive and emails to access anything that I need from wherever I am (so long I would have saved a copy on a pen drive and/or in an email). At the moment I feel that my pen drive is enough and I find it convenient enough…but then if it ever gets lost, oh no, so yes will have a better look at Evernote in the coming weeks or so. The world of technology is advancing at such a high rate that if it weren’t for friends and certain webpages, I would be completely lost with regards to the wide range of free applications available on the web to facilitate work in general.

  3. For organizing my school notes and resources I use Evernote since it is a very organized way to keep my files. I could not use it to organize my teaching practice resources as I had no internet access in my staff room. I think if internet is accessible at every school this will be a very useful tool to organize my lesson plans, lesson schedules, notes, and lesson resources.

    • Agreed… every school should have Internet access throughout the whole structure. As teachers, and as professionals I think you should all make pressure to have this. Sometimes people are too laid back. This is not only your right, but it is your learners’ rights to a better Education. Be persistent in your requests and I think you will finally get to a point where limitations in the schools will possibly be reduced.

      • I also agree that all schools should have internet access. Where I was doing my TP, we had internet access nearly everywhere. In the staff room most of the teachers worked on their laptop and if someone had a question, the first tool everyone went to consult to was the internet.

        I cannot quite picture a world without internet in 2012. Conversely, it may be a good idea to enhance the use of laptops in schools – where pupils can have access to certain online resources, such as Mathematical websites in order to carry out school activities. A particular activity could be a groupwork (collaboration) researching Pythagoras’ Theorem, and afterward a discussion about the gathered information.

  4. Nammetti li din il-ktiba ħajritni nippruvah dan il-programm. Dan l-aħħar kont qed norbot fuq il-pen drive, il-laptop, il-kompjuter tad-dar u l-iPhone biex inlaħħaq ma’ kollox u qatt ma ħadt falza stikka, tal-inqas s’issa. Imma jidher programm interessanti ħafna li ta’ min nippruvah biex nara jgħinix aktar… jew ikomplix iħawwadni! Issa naraw; jien dejjem lest biex nipprova xi ħaġa ġdida imbagħad ngħaddi ġudizzju wara.

    Rigward l-iskejjel, nemmen li għandu jkollhom il-WiFi disponibbli kullimkien. Qed nagħtu ‘l-għalliema il-laptops imbagħad m’għandhomx aċċess għall-internet. Qisek qed tagħti lil xi ħadd karozza mingħajr roti. Waqt il-ħin tal-iskola jistgħu jużaw l-internet biex jaċċessaw riżorsi bħalma huma vidjows minn Youtube, l-email u siti tal-Internet li jkunu jistgħu jużaw fil-klassijiet jew f’ħin ieħor biex jgħinuhom iħejju r-riżorsi u l-meterjal neċessarju biex ikunu għalliema aktar effiċjenti fil-kalssi u anki barra minnha.

  5. It seems a very interesting tool. I never heard about such tool, but now that I read such blog I am looking forward to install it and make use of it. For years, I had relied on pendrives and emails, but from last year I started making use of dropbox which is very convenient. However, from what I have read, I think that with Evernote notes will be more organised than when using dropbox.

    With regards to internet access, I was fortunate enough to have internet access from my staffroom. I agree with the above comments… every school should have internet access, both for students as well as for teachers to be able to search for different educational activities which motivate students.

  6. I must say that this the very first time I am hearing about this tool. As a person I am very organised and for those who know me well, they can tell you that for me its very difficiilt to start a task knowing that I have to organise this and that. Hence I dedicate some of my time to organise my stuff, thus starting using this tool can help me to manage my time better.

    What I found interesting in this blog is that with this tool one can use web clippings. In my case, I teach Spanish and I spend most of my time re-searching Spanish websites with vocab and cultural viedos , all saved in My Favourites. Using EverNote gives the opportunity to clip and store just that part of the website I want.

    I believe it is a very convienent way to organise our stuff and to tag specific topics which can be found to be necessary consequently.

  7. After reading this blog, I am keen to start using Evernote. With all the significant information that we come across every single day, we need this great tool to keep us organised. At the moment, I use dropbox, and also as a PGCE Social Studies group we use it to share notes, presentations, video clips etc etc.. amongst each other.
    As Abigail stated, I also make use of ‘My Favourites’ and create various folders to keep myself organised, however I also spend a lot of time re-searching.

    Pertaining to Internet access in schools, I agree that there should be internet access. The vast majority of the schools don’t have internet access, or if it’s available it is really slow. Generally the computer labs would allow internet access. I had my TP at Hamrun BSS, and we had internet facility, nonetheless it was really slow and I didn’t use it.

  8. Even though I heard about the Evernote, I had never used it before. It is a safe mode of storing information on-line. But something which I am in favour of is that of having Wi-Fi on school premises. It does not serve to anything if teachers are urged to use this program, but then there is no internet available at school. It is a must that educators have their material available all the time because you never know when these resources are needed. Nowadays teachers store information on their laptops or pen drives/USBs. This is not a safe method to store information because if the pen drive is lost or a virus contaminates the laptop, we lose all the data. Today we need to use free online programs where we can store the information like the i-cloud program.

  9. Many teachers argue that being in our profession is a hectic job.

    We have already experienced lesson planning, forecasting, grading, evaluating and actually working with students in our first teaching practice.

    At this point, I feel that I must point out that organized teachers will surely find the going much easier. Downloading a free application, like ‘Evernote’ is worth a try!

    Organization takes a little extra time at the beginning, which more than pays for itself in time saved later.

  10. I must admit that this is the first time I’m hearing about Evernote. It looks great for saving a lot of resources without worrying too much of losing everything when hard drives or pen drives get infected by viruses or simply stop working.

    Yet the only drawback, as noted also by Luke Bonett, is the need for an internet connection, although today there are several public places where Internet connection is available. It’s a pity that some schools are still not equipped to provide internet access.

    • You can also download the Evernote application and save everything on your laptop/PC. It would then synchronize as soon as you get to a location with Internet Access – so although Internet Access is important, it is not imperative that you need to be connected all the time to use the application.

      • Thanks for the info. I use Google Docs to share and store files, but having read a blog about Dropbox, I installed it during the weekend on my laptop and netbook and it was very easy for transferring files without any use of pen drives. I will try evernote as it seems full of useful features.

  11. Thanks for this post. I’ve downloaded Evernote and I’m finding it very useful, especially to clip URLs (by simply clicking on the web clipper button I admit that I’m not such an organized person, and usually get mixed up if I saved a favourite website on my netbook or laptop. With Evernote I’m now finding it easier, as it’s synchronized!

    During my first TP I also used Dropbox to store my lesson plans, resources… by doing so I was sure that my data was stored safely in case my laptop crashes. If you have Dropbox installed on your pc you can also use it offline.

  12. I can say that is a very useful tool. It helps you organises things out just like your own diary of notes. It is a useful tool to safely store data while organising it your own way. I believe that having material online is crucial as it enables access from any computer with an internet system. In this way you don’t have to remember taking your pendrive with you every where you go.

    This system can be also used by the students themselves. They can put their notes in Evernote and access it anywhere at any time they can also share it and discuss their notes with their friends also at school where they may have access to a computer and internet or through their mobile. In this way the promotion of technology is enhanced among students making learning fun.

  13. Għadni kemm niżżilt l-applikazzjoni tal-evernote. Nita’ ngħid li sibtha veru utli u għamlitli x-xogħol ħafna aktar ogranizzat. Barra minn hekk sibtha komda li kull fejn immur nista’ nieħu n-noti bl-iphone – mezz veru portabbli l-għaliex m’hemmx bżonn inġorr il-laptop miegħi l-ħin kollu. Ħaġa li għoġbitni tassew hi kif wieħed jista’ jaqsam in-noti tiegħu ma’ sħabu u l-istess jistgħu jagħmlu huma.

    Nixtieq ngħaddi kumment qasir dwar il-wifi tal-iskola. Fl-iskola fejn kont jien kien hemm internet madwar l-iskola kollha u meta kont qiegħed nitkellem mal-għalliema kollha qaluli kemm din is-sistema hija utli. Fil-fatt mhux l-ewwel darba li qabel marru għal-lezzjoni niżlu xi vidjow minn youtube jew fittxew u ppreparaw xi stampi biex ikunu jistgħu juruhom fil-klassi.

    Madankollu ddiżappuntajt ruħi l-għaliex dan l-aċċess daqtant utli ma kienx miftuħ għalina l-istudenti- għalliema minħabba li ma kellniex kont (account) mal-MITA. Din il-ħaġa żgur li serqitli ħafna ħin waqt il-perjodu tat-taħriġ prattiku tiegħi. Kieku kelli aċċess għall-internet stajt nipprepara r-riżorsi l-iskola stess waqt il-ħin liberu u mhux ikolli nibqa’ sa tard bil-lejl id-dar nipprepara. Meta tkellimt mal-assistent kap dwar din il-problema u fehemni u wegħdni li ‘l quddiem jaraw kif jistgħu jsolvu din il-problema.

  14. Naqbel ħafna mal-kumment ta’ Kurt, sfortunatament fl-iskejjel ma jkollnix aċċess għall-internet għax m’għandniex kont mal-Mita, tkun idea tajba li kieku jiftħuhulna għall-perjodu tat-taħriġ li jmiss g
    aliex dan se jkun ta’ 6 ġimgħat u żgur insibuh utli ħafna kieku kellna aċċess għalih.

    Għadni kemm rajt dan il-filmat dwar l-evernote:, u tassew ġibidli l-attenzjoni li tant li qed inniżżlu bħalissa. Fil-perjodu tat-taħriġ (teaching practice) li għaddiet kelli geġwiġija ta’ sticky notes jiġru fil-files u fuq id-desk u qatt ma kelli aċċess għal din l-għodda daqshekk interessanti. Se nagħmel mezz biex f’li jmiss nagħmel użu minnha:) u nixtieq li meta jasal iż-żmien li jkolli l-klassijiet tiegħi, l-istudenti jużawha wkoll.

    Grazzi ħafna

  15. I have never used evernote but from the hyperlink that I read I found out that this application may actually be very useful. I usually use hotmail or facebook to share information and notes. On this website there are other applications that can be used instead of evernote. They can also be downloaded on the iPad. But while evernote is for free the others you have to pay:

  16. I have never used or heared about Evernote before reading this blog, but now after reading and getting to know more about the program I think I will be using it in the near future. At the moment I make use of Dropbox, apart from my laptop and pen drive, in order to store my material, but it seems that Evernote is a much organized way to keep my notes and other resources. As others mentioned, it is a pity that schools do not have internet access everywhere. During my first teaching practice, the staffrooms had internet access but it was very slow and thus we never made use of it. It would be ideal for schools to have internet access everywhere in the school, even in the classrooms when considering the use of the interactive whiteboard in almost each class.

  17. I just had some freetime this weekend to download and experiment with Evernote. After using Dropbox I got used to the idea of saving and sharing ideas online. However, I feel that Evernote is more efficient, especially to save information from the web and taking photos. This is going to be very useful in the future.

  18. I used to be a very disorganized student, well I still am at times. I never store things in one place and i end up spending hours looking for things which I was sure that i had saved. This Evernote application looks like it can be very useful and helpful to me especially in this course were i spend a lot of time researching things to prepare in my lessons. Having a place where I can put everything and know were to look for them will save me a lot of stress.

    I was lucky enough to have internet access in the school from my last T.P and the new school I am going to has internet access as well. I found the internet to be very helpful especially in my free time, I could look up more resources and fun things to do in my lessons.

    I have just created and Evernote account. Now only time will tell to see how well it will help in my organizing 🙂

  19. After downloading Evernote and using it for a week it has been great, its free and very easy to use. It creates great mobility for your work and in a way great mobility for your work place. In a way you can work from anywhere. The developers have even been kind enough to make it compatable on so many platforms such as blackberry, iphone etc

  20. This is such an interesting post as I have never heard about this programme. I have always relied on laptops and pendrives, however Evernote seems such an efficient tool for storing material online. However, just like the comments above, I would like to point out the need of a Wifi system in all schools because it is very useful especially when we need to send emails (especially urgent ones to examiners during teaching practice) and even to check online notes and material. During my previous teaching practice, I was provided with internet access and it was really comfortable because I could easily work online during school hours. Most importantly, internet should be provided in every classroom, which is now a very important element when considering the use of interactive whiteboards.

  21. I found dropbox very useful to “back-up” files on my computer and to have them available anywhere as well as having many people accessing them.
    But I discovered Evernote lately and think that it is great at sharing information for later reference. The other thing I like about Evernote is that it can create folders for different document types. Another thing which I find interesting is that documents can be accessed from anywhere by synchronizing across virtually any machine (via notebooks, mobiles, etc). I can record my voice, save a series of photos or geotag the notes I create on my mobile device. With Dropbox you need another application and that too its live upload.
    Evernote is a permanent storage area which brings all this and more to the table.
    However, whilst the basic account of Evernote is free, if you want to upload large amounts of files you need to have a paid account.

  22. I had never heard of Evernote before now, but after reading the blog which you mentioned, , I realized what I was missing. It seems like an really effective application which can be used wherever and whenever I want. In my opinion it looks like a very easy but useful way of remembering anything which we come across and which looks interesting to us. Plus it is free to download! Another positive thing which I think evernote has is that it can be even downloaded on our mobiles, so it will literally be just one click away during all throughout the day. I will surely download this application as I will be finding it really useful in the future especially since it will help me be even more organised in my lesson plans, lesson schedules and notes.

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